Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Long Beans Run Overhead

The Asian Yard-Long Beans yield prolific amounts of impressively long beans. They are climbers, and Rouse the Spouse laughed when I placed jute twine up the cedar teepee structure, then OUT to a nearby garden corner post AND to a couple of tall posts in adjacent beds AND to the cable that stretches across the yard formerly used as a dog trot line. Imagine bean vines running overhead in four different directions.
Teepee structure in the bed to the left of the watering can.
Vines running to the cable (upper left corner),
to the two tall posts outside the bed to the right,
to a tall post in the bed behind.
The set-up works great! The beans hang straight down for easy viewing and picking. Maybe it's grown on me, but I don't think it looks as silly as we originally thought it might!

See recipe for "Dry Fried" Green Beans posted July 25.

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