Monday, June 20, 2011

Zen Watering

According to my rain gauge we had .2 inches of rain in the wee hours of the morning. This was not enough to do much more than freshen everything up, but I'll see that two-tenths of an inch and raise it! Building on the little bit of moisture already in the garden, I decided to give everything a good watering, holding the hose and showering the beds.

A person could look at watering by hand in one of several ways:
  • It's a waste of time. Let Mother Nature take its course.
  • It's a waste of time. Install a sprinkler system.
  • It's boring and time consuming.
  • It's meditative and relaxing.
I choose to look at it with a zen attitude. In the garden, I find it easy to BE in the present moment. I feel relaxed and balanced. Concerns melt away. The monkey-mind is quieted. It's a good place to practice calm equanimity. I can think of no better place than the garden to focus on doing what's right for the mind, body, and soul. It's a little piece of vacation that I can enjoy on a daily basis.

Watering, and all is well.  Although I have to admit, this drought has made me consider the use of some sort of irrigation system!

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