Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Really Beginning to Reap What We Sow

We were away for a long weekend... Wednesday through Sunday at Marshall and Leslie's house in Atlanta, GA.  Rouse the Spouse and and his dad, Noah, attended the Hinman Dental Convention.  Wow, things do change quickly this time of year!

The asparagus spears are shooting up.  The beets and sugar snaps are growing nicely.  The radishes need a good thinning, which I accomplished this afternoon.  Noah, my father-in-law, gave me some brussel sprouts.  I planted them midst the new cabbage plants in the cruciferous bed.

The turnips have bolted beyond hope.  Today, I trimmed off the mini flower heads.  I'll toss them into a stir fry.  I tossed the rest of the plants into the chicken yard.  I sowed kale seeds in their place.

I cut the largest of the autumn kale and mustard greens and will cook them tomorrow.

The spinach needs to be cut this week.  What will it be?  Cream of spinach soup?  Spinach souffle?  Or maybe just some straight-up spinach wilted in the pan?

I harvested 2 heads of cabbage this afternoon - my first full-sized heads of cabbage ever!  These plants survived the winter and headed up very nicely.  I sliced up one head and cooked it with potatoes and carrots in some homemade vegetable broth.

The cabbage was noticeably fresh. It almost looked like a head of lettuce - very green and moist. Served with a side of sausage patties from (local) Winfield Farms, it made for a delicious supper.

1 comment:

  1. Sue,

    You have inspired me and am looking forward to starting our own raised beds this year. Have a friend who has offered as much horse manuer I want to help with the soil fertilization. Yeah! I get to trade fruit turnovers for SH*T! How cool is that. Too funny.
    We will start with a small area about 6 feet by 15 and work from there.I'm sure over the next few years we'll add more. Oh, also an area for corn to grow.
    Thank you for being in the garden.
    Blessings of Joy,
