Thursday, June 10, 2010

If you can't stand the heat ...

... stay out of the kitchen!  It was a hot day in Pittsboro, with temperatures reaching the 90 degree mark.  All I can say is, thank goodness for air conditioning!  I was quite comfortable as I spent most of the day in the kitchen roasting, blanching, baking, freezing, and dehydrating fruits and veggies harvested right out of my back yard.

I began my kitchen adventure by roasting two trays of beets and a large pan of zucchini chunks.  I packed the roasted zucchini directly into plastic freezer bags and put them into the freezer.  It helps to have all the juiciness frozen solid before vacuum-sealing the package.  This zucchini will be delicious later on in ratatouille or a in a lush pasta sauce.  I peeled the beets, quartered them, and froze them in a single layer on a baking sheet.  Then I loaded them into the freezer bags.  This is my first attempt at freezing beets.  I plan to reheat and eat them simply seasoned with butter, salt, and pepper OR in a sweet and sour "Harvard beet" sauce.   After everything was bagged up and frozen, I vacuum-sealed the packages and loaded them into the freezer.

I'm making a small contribution to the sustenance of Abi and Andrew as they prepare to set out on a 2,000 mile trek along the Pacific Crest Trail this summer.  Self-proclaimed "The A Team", they will need nutritious, light-weight meals.  They've been running the dehydrator day and night.  But time is short and they need more meals.  Today I cooked up two menu selections ... a lush spaguetti sauce with ground beef ... and vegetables with a flavorful green curry sauce.

Two loaves of zucchini bread.

Baking a raspberry-peach cobbler

Finished blanching the beet greens.

Pot of soup stock.

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