Monday, September 27, 2010

Still Raining!


  1. Hi Sue! Enjoying your blog! I love the raised beds! I am interested in how they are made? I am wanting to try my hand at gardening next year & searching for lots of ideas & suggestions.

  2. You can tell by the discrepancy between the date of your comment and the date of my reply that I'm not used to looking for comments!

    The raised beds were built from treated lumber, bolted together at the corners. Quick to put together, but heavy. I'm lucky to have a husband that helps with the heavy work.

    Once in place, we "chopped" up the on-site grass and clay / soil, then filled the bed with "topsoil" purchased from a local supplier, mixing the clay and topsoil together as we went. It's hard to find good topsoil. What we used is a mix of soil and composted turkey manure, actually a little too rich. That's why my okra grows beyond my reach!

    This time of year is a good time to develop your beds. I've gradually added to my garden over the years. That's been a good strategy for me. Started with only 4 raised beds. Now have 15!
