Saturday, July 6, 2013

Rain, Rain, and more Rain!

We are wet in central NC. It's been raining every day for a long time.

This is an unusual situation as we enter July. The extreme moisture has caused problems for farmers, as well as home gardeners, who report poor pollination, poor yields, fruit rotting on the vine ... IF they've been able to get into the garden at all. Soggy soil and flooded fields have resulted in fewer vegetables for grocery stores and farmers markets, and the price of fresh produce is skyrocketing. A problem for the farmers becomes a problem for all of us.

Our raised beds help a bit in our little patch of land, as they drain faster than the red clay that naturally occurs around here. But we're still susceptible to mold and mildew type problems.

The silver lining to this cloud? Our pond is full! The water lilies and lotus blossoms are lovely.

And the blackberries are fat. I felt as if I were in a paddy field while picking the plump wild blackberries growing in a thicket near the pond. I've never had to wade in the water to pick berries before!

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