Monday, June 15, 2009

Chance of Thunderstorms, Morning and Night

The black raspberries are slowing down - found only 1/2 cup today. It's an overcast day, but still... I found plenty of ants and spiders.

I picked the first handful of purple "green" beans this afternoon. They're purple on the vine, but turn green when cooked.

The bad news today: Flea beetles are eating my eggplant leaves! Flea Beetles are tiny (smaller than the size of a pin head), dark colored, and very much flea-like in the way that they can jump up and disappear from the plant when disturbed.

The traditional organic approach to controlling flea beetles has been to resort to the application of an organic pesticide such as pyrethrins or rotenone. While organic, this is still a pesticide that has to be handled carefully and can kill non-targeted insects including the beneficial ones that we want to keep around the garden. Since I have only 4 plants, I think I'll try picking them off by hand and squishing the little buggers. Must be quick, before they hop away!

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