Monday, June 1, 2009

Radish Issues

This afternoon, I posed a relatively simple question to my friend, Betsy. "Why aren't my radishes forming a bulb?" She did a little on-line research and within a few minutes had found the answer to my question. Then, as a bonus, informed me of two more things that were wrong with my radish plants!

My first crop of radishes (planted in March) were lovely and delicious. I planted this last row of radishes on April 19, wondering at the time if it might be too late. It was. Radishes will not bulb properly if forced to mature in temperatures over 82 degrees. Recent high temps have been in the mid to upper 80's. Instead of nice round globes, I got a bunch of long, thickened roots. Not very pretty!

On top of that, the plants were infected with black scab and flea beetles. Yikes! I pulled up all the plants and threw them to the chickens. Good riddance! Now I have room to plant another row of okra...

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